Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New Snowden Tour Video

I finally got around to editing down some home movie footage from our last tour into another silly little video clip. All this is from our east coast tour this past December with Twin Tigers from Athens. It's pretty random. The highlight for us was the stop we made in Jacksonville, FL at Chandler's Grandfather Ceylon's house. He had a large property with an eclectic array of stuff, and orange trees all over the place that he let us pick fruit from to load up our van with. He also showcased Foundation Hospital Train, one of the many songs he has recently penned. Did I mention he is in his 90's! For the soundtrack I sprinkled in some bits and pieces of unreleased Snowden demos that may (or may not) be on the next record. Ha. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

Awesome vid, the music snippet opening it is incredible. Is it a new song? Hoping you guys can make it out to the west coast when the new album comes out, been at the top of my list of bands I'm dying to see live for awhile now.

thanks for sharin :)


Dave said...

Thanks. Yeah, that opening snippet is from a song that will be on the album.

Unknown said...

great, can't wait for the new album, been too long a wait :)